3-time Kayak Olympian and avid Canoe Racer Terry Kent had a problem. He liked racing the Adirondack 90 miler canoe race, but hated carrying his solo canoe over the five and a half miles of portaging. The available strap on carts would slide off the back of canoes and kayaks when they hit a bump or went up a hill, so he and famed canoe fabricator Charlie Wilson came up with a solution: Easy Wheelies
Easy wheelies is a small two-wheeled frame that slides into a receiver mounted in the back of your canoe or kayak. Terry used it to literally run away from the competition.
If it works in racing, it probably works for recreational paddlers - that was the thought in starting up Easy Wheelies People have a problem carrying their canoes and kayaks. They don't like messing with the straps on the carts available on the market and are looking for an easy and convenient solution.
Easy Wheelies are going to be offered as an accessory with the purchase of Swift Canoes and Kayaks (who makes the highest qualities recreational canoes and kayaks in the world). They'll also be offered as a retrofit for your canoe or kayak.
We anticipate they'll be available in the summer of 2025. If you're interested in one, simple send Terry an email at terry.kent@cornell.edu, and he will keep you updated on when it will be available.